New Layout

  • Big Stax XXI 1100 9:00 PM
  • Level 22 (10000/20000/3000) 
  • Total Entries: 447
  • Players Remaining: 27
  • Average Stack: 827,000

One of the biggest luck factors in a tournament is the various random seats that are assigned. The right seat in relation to the big or short stacks and certain players is critical to success at this stage. Here is how the field will sit until there are 18 players remaining:

Table 45

  1. Mike Mercaldo
  2. Travis Greenawalt
  3. Kane Kalas
  4. Paul Spitzberg
  5. Matt Mendez
  6. Mike Linster
  7. Adam Levitan
  8. Sundiata DeVore
  9. Yaacov Schindler

Table 46

  1. Jordan Zucker
  2. Ryan Pochedly
  3. Maxim Urvantsev
  4. Andrew Wu
  5. Nick Peticca
  6. Joe McKeehen
  7. Bart Golik
  8. Jeremy Maher
  9. Adam White

Table 47

  1. Aaron Olshan
  2. Jim Lillis
  3. Jeremy Perez
  4. Renee Duong
  5. Dhaval Joshi
  6. Juan Nieto
  7. Robert Paventi
  8. Mike Murphy
  9. Kevin Grabel